Guest Posting

High-Quality Guest Posting

Guest posting will be at your top priority if you want to increase your web traffic and build powerful backlinks. As Google has publicly alarmed against huge, low-quality link building, undoubtedly guest posting will remain a link building base for years to come. However, you need to publish your content on high-quality sites like Forbes, Huffington Post, and Business Insider. Publishing content on such big sites is not everyone’s cup of tea. Let’s break down here a few ways how to get publish your content on high-quality sites like Forbes, Huffington Post, and Business Insider:.

Content on Forbes

Get Publish Your Content on Forbes

Although experienced contributors were able to blog on any subject, now they have to stick to their specific expertise. Forbes contributors don’t need to send their content to the editor phase. They can publish their post directly on Forbes.

After publication, editors may make minor changes but if they think the article is off-topic, they can take down the post altogether.

Here’s a screenshot of one of the posts from Forbes:

For the publishing on Forbes, several ways can be approached as mentioned-below:

  • For their consideration, you can submit a finished article (no matter how long) to The content should be Unique, informative, and exclusive, otherwise it will be rejected. First your content will be reviewed. The submitted article takes a couple of business days to be published. If the one week passes, and you’ve not heard from them, it means they have rejected your article. Try to post this article on some other site.
  • If you have not lost your hope and want to be a regular contributor to Forbes, apply through Google Form. You will be asked for contact information, LinkedIn, and Twitter-profiles. Besides it, you might be asked about ideas like how you want your Forbes page to be. You have to show your sample articles to them and why you’re eligible to become a Forbes contributor.
Content on Huffington Post

Get Publish Your Content on Huffington Post

Huffington Post is one of the major “authority” publication websites for businesses and digital marketers. The website has tremendous SEO command, which means that content is rated just hours after the publication.

Here is a screengrab of a Huffington Post:

You should build your pitch on what top bloggers are writing in your niche. It should be brief and the idea should be highlighted in the most exciting aspects. You can fill in a Google Form to submit your idea to Huffington Post similar to the one that is used by Forbes.

You can write up to 1000 words on the final draft. Huffington Post reverts you only if they are interested in your post. Otherwise you know better what to do with the content.

Content on Business Insider

Get Publish Your Content on Business Insider

Business Insider is meant to publish stories whether it is about business, technology, and celebrities. If you are interested in seeing your material seen by the hundreds of millions of people on Business Insider every month, try to become a Business Insider page contributor.

Although you don’t need to send a pitch here, just send the final and specialized content draft to However make sure to include a headline, a brief bio, and links to other posts. If the content will be genuine they will accept it. Occasionally Business Insider collects articles from other large blogs and posts them in their worldwide editions.

If you are serious about guest posting, we are here to help you in raising your brand’s profile.